


你为初创公司提供价格合理的公关服务. What impacted your decision to make BellPress services more accessible to fledgling businesses? 

根据我在新闻和公共关系方面的经验, I’ve always had the opportunity to consider the contribution that startups make to economies across the world, 结果就是, 它们如何改变人们的生活和工作方式. It’s fascinating and the people behind these startups are brave and extremely purposeful about the type of impact they want to make. I’ve seen this passion firsthand through interviewing people from a newspaper perspective and supporting them as a public relations practitioner. Telling their stories in an authentic way that marries with their personalities is both satisfying and enjoyable. It’s important to know how all of the aspects of their past come together to impact what they want to do in their life. 这就是旅程的起点. 

To add to that I’ve always thought that startups and entrepreneurs could be supported better by PR practitioners. 虽然他们经常被机构定价. As a startup BellPress can relate to the journey young companies are embarking on – as well as how important storytelling and building a communications strategy is. 由于这些原因, it was important to me to find a price point where not only would they benefit from my services, 但我也可以向他们学习.

Following two years of the pandemic and its immense impact on business operations as we know them, 你认为创业公司的角色发生了怎样的变化?

我认为这场大流行几乎改变了一切, 但是有些影响是永久性的, 其他人将恢复正常. 这场大流行促使人们重新审视自己的生活, and they’ve been able to reflect because so many things we have taken for granted have been taken away. Recent statistics in the UK show that more startups have been created in the past 12 months compared to previous years. People are thinking they can take a risk and follow up on an idea or passion project of theirs to see if they can bring it to life.

BellPress是TiE UK North的公关合作伙伴. A number of the mentor members at TiE have noticed certain trends over the past year; one being that a much wider age demographic are creating businesses, 比如五六十岁的人. My impression of the typical age to start a business is between the ages of 20 and 35, 所以,看到许多新创业公司会发生什么,将是一件很有趣的事情. I have a firm belief that they are going to be key to driving economies towards recovery.


这个月刚成立了一家公司, JEP青年参与, 为大十大网博靠谱平台的年轻人提供支持的机构. 杰米抗起球, 创始人, has been a successful youth worker for some time but has also faced many struggles in his past. He is using what he has learnt to truly engage with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Jamie has suffered from bulimia in the past and has had run-ins with the police. Soon we will be putting his story out in an authentic manner – using video and the press. Jamie is genuine and it was important that we got his story – both the human interest and business angles – right.

你认为创业公司扮演着什么角色, 不仅仅是在商界, 也存在于我们的日常生活中?

创业公司提供了一个全新的视角,而且往往是解决方案驱动的. 对我来说, startups represent human endeavour; trying new things, 回顾, 失败,然后再试验,直到它是正确的. I also think more and more people are becoming aware of world issues because of the pause the pandemic has created; more startups are looking for solutions to problems like the climate crisis and its effect on the planet, 哪一种情况迫在眉睫,令人担忧. People commercialising startups that focus on environmental wellbeing have an enormous impact on our day-to-day lives and I hope that continues at a pace.

How does your extensive background in journalism and public relations influence your media approach?

这在我合作的任何一家公司都适用, 小或大, as I have a personal approach to my work based on what I have experienced so far during my career. 我相信人就是故事, 虽然商业显然是故事的一部分, people more often than not want to read about other people more than they want to read about business. 如果有办法将两者结合起来,那么故事就会火起来. Working as a business reporter grew my knowledge of business and gave me the chance to hone a lot of skills, 特别是当涉及到商业的交叉点时, 政治与文化. My time in journalism also enhanced the deep interest I already had in people; who they are, 他们的背景, 教养, 朋友, 家庭, life choices and ultimately that melting pot of what leads them to do what they are doing – and most importantly ‘why’. Learning about people as early as you can when you’re working on any PR project not only strengthens your trust and relationship with that person and the business, but it also gives you potential story angles that can be weaved into various content throughout the course of any well planned communications campaign.

What kinds of services does BellPress offer that specifically cater to startups?

我们提供任何从单一的新闻稿,以创建一个3, 6, 12个月沟通策略. We also offer media training via workshops; how to write press releases, 如何与媒体沟通或接受采访, 以及如何在电台直播中回答问题, TV, 或者在印刷出版物的电话采访中. We also host video chats and create clean and concise videos that can be embedded into social media posts or added to YouTube. BellPress提供多种服务, but what’s important is that we take a tailored approach that offers an affordable solution for startup companies and the people behind them. 

创业公司或任何企业怎么能做到, 小或大, 十大网博靠谱平台,了解更多BellPress能为他们做些什么?

直接打我的手机07917581074,或者我的邮箱联系我 alex@bellpress.co.uk

人们可以访问贝尔出版社网站页面- 因为创业很重要

